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Free legal help

Sometimes you find yourself with a small question and just don't know what to do. This is when you can turn to first-line assistance, also known as Free Advocacy Advice, in your neighbourhood.

So first-line assistance does not give you comprehensive advice, but gives you a short answer to help you further along the way. If your question requires further investigation, you do get an appropriate referral so you know what to do, where to go, who can help you.

A problem often consists of more than just legal elements. The lawyers who provide this free legal advice have knowledge of the social map and can put you in touch with the right services. So it is not that this is just to get further help from a lawyer.

As a matter of fact, this help is also free for everyone. It is accessible to everyone in a very easy way to get help from a lawyer. First-line assistance is also provided in your neighbourhood, e.g. in courthouses, CPASs, CAWs, social houses, etc. You can find the full map below.

Don't feel like or don't have time to go there? At most locations, you can also ask for advice by phone.

Looking for free help in your area?

OCMW - Sociaal Centrum Wilrijk

woensdag van 13u tot 15u (aanmelden tot 14u30)

OCMW Heusden-Zolder

1e en 3e maandag van de maand van 16u tot 18u
Maak vooraf een afspraak! (tel. 011 456 150 of e-mail

Sociaal Huis Knokke-Heist

Elke derde dinsdag van de maand van 16u tot 18u

OCMW Lievegem

Op afspraak:
Telefonisch : 09/396.23.00
Via email :

Commissie voor Juridische Bijstand

Elke woensdag van 15 tot 17 uur

OCMW Berlare

elke 1e en 3e dinsdag van 16u tot 18u

Vredegerecht Halle

2e, 3e en 4e woensdag van de maand van 18u tot 19u

Vredegerecht Sint-Pieters-Leeuw

1e en 3e vrijdag van de maand vanaf 13u30 op afspraak

OCMW Kortenaken

1e dinsdag van de maand van 16u30 tot 17u30

Vredegerecht Willebroek

Elke eerste maandag van de maand van 14u tot 15u
De eerste 6 personen die zich aanmelden

OCMW – Sociaal Centrum Wommelgem

op afspraak
om de 2 weken afwisselend op:
maandag van 15u tot 17u (aanmelden tot 16u30)
woensdag van 14u tot 16u (aanmelden tot 15u30)