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Relationship & family

Family is important to you, and you want the best fot them. But relationships are becoming more complex and the traditional family is becoming less common. A lawyer will help you with that.

A total of 30 items found. Showing 30 items on page 4 of 6.

How do I get alimony as an ex-partner?

After a divorce, you are entitled to alimony from your ex-spouse under certain conditions.

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Should I pay child support for my child?

As a parent, you are responsible for your child, but what does that mean for child support?

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Maintenance (or alimony): what you need to know

As a parent, you are responsible for your child (and partner), but what does that mean if you break up? And are you then obliged to pay child support?

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My parents are getting divorced

Obviously, this is not fun. But unfortunately, as a child, you cannot legally do anything against this, but you can be heard.

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What are my inheritance rights as a spouse?

Your husband or wife has died; This brings a mountain of grief but unfortunately also a lot of paperwork. What are your rights now?

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Current topics


Prof Colman: "Being able to shield children 100% is a pipe dream"

Prof Charlotte Colman surprised with her children's book "Who's in jail?", giving children a first look into the world of criminology. In this interview, Prof Colman highlights why informing children at an early age about law and justice is vital. Her book bridges complex topics with childlike curiosity: "Children pick up things but have gaps in their knowledge. We need to fill these gaps with neutral information tailored to the child, otherwise they will go looking for themselves or their imagination will fill in the blanks." The proceeds of "Who's in prison?" go to CAW East Flanders, for the benefit of children of parents in detention.

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From now on, stay updated on suspect's pre-trial detention

Victim of a crime or wrongdoing or registered as a civil party in which you were physically or psychologically threatened or assaulted? Then from now on, you have the right to receive information on the progress of the suspect's pre-trial detention.

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Phone from police for lie detector test? Need to know

"Are you willing to take a polygraph test? Can and should that be done just like that? And what does it mean?

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How does that work, getting a lawyer?

You are always free to choose your own lawyer. Of course, always ask your lawyer beforehand whether they can help you with your specific questions. Each lawyer has his or her own knowledge and experience.

Are you in a different situation?

Drugs and violence

Two topics we would rather stay away from, but sometimes you do find yourself in a situation where you are confronted with these issues.

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Financial matters

Money does not make you happy, people have been known to claim. But financial worries weigh (very) heavily. Find out what you can do when you are struggling.

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In traffic

You move in traffic every day: for work, to go to school, for your hobbies,... Sometimes things go wrong there. But what can you do then?

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My house

Finally, your own place! Did you buy or sell, rent or let. A home should be a safe haven, no matter what.

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After life

What you leave behind after your life can easily be arranged in advance. A lawyer will assist you and your loved ones.

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Being an entrepreneur often means pursuing your passion and making your dreams come true. But there is also a lot involved. A lawyer will help you every step of the way.

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At work

In working relationships, legal questions sometimes arise. A lawyer stands by you, advising and mediating where necessary.

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At school

A school is an inspiring environment. But sometimes you face a difficult situation there. Find out what you can do then.

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